Post-partum pelvic girdle pain

Are you experiencing pelvic pain after giving birth? It may be the pelvic problem! Postpartum pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) is a common musculoskeletal condition during the pregnancy and extends long term into postpartum period.
Postpartum pelvic girdle pain is pain of musculoskeletal origin between the posterior iliac crest and the inferior gluteal fold in proximity of the sacroiliac joints, and pain also may be experienced at the pubic symphysis. The pelvic pain often resolves in most women after giving birth, but 20% of the women still experiencing pain 3 months postpartum and 8.5% report continuing pain 2 years postpartum. Most common clinical presentations of postpartum pelvic pain include sharp pain in the pelvic that may radiate down to the back of the leg, dull aching pai at the pelvic, hip and groin area, pain that aggravates after prolonged standing, sitting, and walking, difficult urinating, incontinence, and pain during intercourse.

As we mentioned in the previous article, during pregnancy, body release hormone to soften the ligaments that hold pelvic together. The hormone causes the pelvic to be instable and eventually leading to pain. However even after delivered, the hormone level will start to stabilise to pre pregnancy, some women still experiencing long term pelvic pain.
Fascial tension from the healing vagina tears during vagina birth may lead to weakening and loosening of the pelvic floor muscles which later contribute to the pelvic pain. Direct injury to the pelvic floor muscles or the nerves innervated the pelvic floor muscles during delivery is also one of the causes of postpartum pelvic pain.
How physio help?
All treatment plans will be tailored based on the clinical findings. Treatment includes:
- Lumbopelvic stabilization training to restore stability of the pelvic and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles
- Strengthening of the hip to improve stability, endurance, and muscular awareness
- Abdominal strengthening exercises
- Joint mobilization
- Exercises to do at home
- Postural Education
- Lifestyle modification
Post – natal pelvic pain causes serious impact on the activity of daily living and reduce the quality of life. Most of the women are not aware of the changes of their back and pelvic during pregnancy and after delivered. Physiotherapy treatment is effective in treating post-natal pelvic pain. Our natal360 program provide specific treatment plan that combined manual therapy, electrical modalities, and exercises program. Book a Natal360 program with us now:
Or if you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact heal360 physioclinic on:
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Wuytack, F., Curtis, E., & Begley, C. (2015). Experiences of First-Time Mothers With Persistent Pelvic Girdle Pain After Childbirth: Descriptive Qualitative Study. Physical Therapy, 95(10), 1354-1364. doi: 10.2522/ptj.20150088
Stuge, B., Holm, I., & Vøllestad, N. (2006). To treat or not to treat postpartum pelvic girdle pain with stabilizing exercises?. Manual Therapy, 11(4), 337-343. doi: 10.1016/j.math.2005.07.004